London Seminar: Avoiding being negligent - How to understand and litigate pension loss claims

Title: Avoiding being negligent: how to understand and litigate pension loss claims

2 Speakers:   Paul Stagg, Barrister at 1 Chancery Lane and Author of the Pension Loss chapter in Kemp & Kemp.

                   Ian MacKendrick, Financial Adviser at Frenkel Topping, specialising in Pension Claims

Aimed at: members at all levels of call who wish to understand more about pension loss claims in injury litigation and why are they often (negligently) under-claimed, included as a vague lump sum or overlooked entirely. Topics covered will include the different types of pension loss; how to investigate, value, plead and challenge this important head of claim.

Date/Time: Tuesday 17 September 2019, 5.30pm for 1 hour, plus refreshments afterwards

Venue: Hardwicke, New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3SB

Tickets: no need to book, free for members and pupils. Any queries to [email protected] or [email protected]

1hr seminar, which will be followed by light refreshments.

Free to PIBA members and their pupils. No need to book.


You should determine how this fits into your individual CPD plan; PIBA will provide a suggested framework closer to the time.




New Square
Lincoln's Inn
London WC2A 3SB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions


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