London Seminar: Amputation Claims and Prosthetics


Title: Amputation Claims and Prosthetics

Speaker: Abdo Haidar, Consultant Prosthetist and Director of Prosthetics at The London Prosthetic Centre

Abdo Haider will be accompanied by patient Danny O’Leary, an above knee amputee, who will giving us a demo of his prosthesis and sharing his experiences following an RTA 12 years ago. Here is a link to Danny’s inspirational story:

Danny suffered the loss of his left leg above knee 12 years ago. Danny was involved in an RTA. Litigation finished now. He wears Ottobock Genium knee with simple foot (no electronics), suction socket with silicone liner. He is a father of two living in 2 storey accommodation. Danny works part-time and drives. He has no care or assistance. He does not have a wheelchair. His main problem is his sound knee (result of the accident).

Please note: Stuart McKechnie QC has had to withdraw from speaking at this event for personal reasons, but a session focussing on the legal aspects of amputation claims will be scheduled later in the year.

Date/Time: Weds 4 March 2020, 5.30pm for 1 hour, plus refreshments afterwards

Venue: Seminar Room at Hardwicke, New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, London, WC2A 3SB

Tickets: no need to book, free for members and pupils. Any queries to [email protected] or [email protected]


You should determine how this fits into your individual CPD plan; PIBA will provide a suggested framework closer to the time.

Learning Objectives: for members to gain a better understanding of how to litigate amputation claims, how patients are assessed for prosthetic provision and the sorts of technology available, from both a QC speaker and a highly experienced Consultant Prosthetist. There may also be an opportunity to hear briefly from one or more amputees about their experience of using prosthetic limbs.  





New Square
Lincoln's Inn
London WC2A 3SB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions


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