piCalculator - Special Offer for PIBA Members
Many barristers who are members of PIBA benefit from using piCalculator, a tool used by legal professionals calculating losses for Personal Injury or Clinical Negligence schedules.
piCalculator handles all the mathematical calculations, allowing lawyers to focus on the law. The platform is widely regarded as an established and trustworthy sector partner in the practice of injury law, attracting praise from industry leaders who describe it as "a heavyweight solution with lightweight cost.''
piCalculator is a cloud based, fully encrypted solution which stores large amounts of data and performs powerful calculations behind the scenes. It produces mathematically accurate schedules with explanatory notes that can be easily amended, updated and shared with other users or parties online.
Some key facts about piCalculator:
- Key facts accessible instantly
- Produce a schedule or counter-schedule as a court document with explanations of how the multipliers are created
- Interest calculated on past losses
- Future loss multipliers for continuous and periodic losses
- Create scenarios to compare different criteria e.g. changes in Discount Rate, alternative Heads of Loss calculations
- Care rate, tax and NI calculations for both Past and Future Losses
- Contingency rates for loss of earnings
- Continuous updates to ensure accuracy of calculations
- Full training and support
PIBA members can apply a 5% discount to the individual subscription by quoting the code which can be found on this page - which you will need to be signed in to see.
Further deductions can be claimed for multi-year subscriptions. Please see the table this page for further details. PIBA members renewing their subscription can also claim their discount by using the same code.
Multi-year subscriptions can be paid annually or in total upfront.
To subscribe, please use the email address below.
If you have any questions about piCalculator or wish to subscribe at a discount please contact [email protected]
Please do not share the code with non-PIBA Members.
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Annual Conference 2025
Mar 21, 2025 We are very happy to announce that the next PIBA Annual Conference will take place on 21-23 March 2025. Please...... find out more→