Webinar: Wellbeing in the time of Covid-19


Title: Wellbeing in the time of Covid-19

Speaker:  Theo Huckle QC, Denise Owen and Elizabeth Gallagher

Date/Time: Weds 1 April 2020, 4pm for 1 hour

Venue: Online - please see the instructions below.

The Webinar will be conducted on Microsoft Teams.  This can be downloaded for free, or simply used in a web browser.   We would suggest that you download or trial it in advance of the Webinar beginning, as it can take a few minutes to set up for the first time.

You do not need a subscription to Teams to be able to participate in the Webinar.  Many of you may find that you already have a subscription in any event as part of your Office 365 package.  Those who already use it report that it doesn’t work as well on an iPad or phone (although can be used with them), so we would recommend using a computer.  Some have also struggled using a Remote Desktop connection so I suggest avoiding a RDP.  There have also been a few problems with Microsoft Edge which can be resolved by using a different browser.

The link to the webinar is here: https://bit.ly/PIBA-Covid-webinar Click the link and you should be given the option to watch the seminar in Teams or in a web browser. Or you can just copy this link and then paste it into your web browser.

In case you have a problem, the full link to the webinar is https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjJmNjUzNDktNjJlZi00NmNjLTgyMTItYmU5NmJhOWY4MWRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228f4f3813-7593-4107-9eac-dff34c0a595f%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b9d76e68-40d9-462d-bdb4-f33f579b05e4%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d







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